Senin, 16 Maret 2015

tugas 1 article dan determiner

Nama              : Tika Nataria
Npm                : 1A214771
Kelas               : 1EA32



Article dalam bahasa inggris digolongkan menjadi 3 macam yaitu A, An, dan The yaitu adalah kata yang digunakkan untuk mengatasi pengertian dari noun (kata benda).


Article juga dibagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu :
Ø  Definite Article
Ø  Indefenite Article
Ø  Adapun zero article yang artinya tanpa kata sandang

Pengertian Definite Article
      The merupakan kata sandang yang digunakkan pada definite article
      The digunakan pada hal yang spesifik (jelas atau sudah diterangkan seblumnya) meliputi:
- Person (orang)
- Thing (benda)
- Idea (pemikiran)
      Kata ini digunakkan sebelum countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung) dan uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung)

Fungsi Dan Contoh Definite Article
ü  Digunakan ketika suatu kata benda yang dibicarakan telah disebutkan pada kalimat sebelumnya
- There’s a boyin front of the bookstore. The boy worl prada

ü  Dikhususkan oleh situasi dimana sesuatu yang dimaksud sudah jelas atau spesifik
- My dog is sleeping in the garage

ü  Digunakan seandainya kata benda dikhususkan oleh kata, frase, atau anak kalimat
- The place that i just visited is cozy

ü  Digunakan ketika suatu kata benda merupakan pengetahuan umum sehingga pembaca sudah paham dengan apa yang dimaksud penulis
- In order to meet friends at the mall, Lia went to the bus station

ü  Sebelum noun yang mengacu pada sesuatu yang bersifat abstrak atau tidak jelas
- The use of the passive voice, the use of machines

ü  Sebelum ekspresi waktu atau arah/posisi
- The morning, the afternoon, the evening, the future, the present, the past

ü  Sebelum nama-nama geografis: gunung, gurun, sungai, dll
- The Himalaya, the Gobi, the Yangtze

ü  Sebelum nama peristiwa penting, jabatan, lembaga, fasilitas umum, surat kabar
- The round table conference, The legislative assembly, The istiqlal mosque

ü  Sebelum kata benda yang diikutI preposition (phrase) yang diawali dengan “of”
- The city of Alameda, the City of Jakarta

ü  Sebelum ordinal numbers
- The third, the second volume, the first chapter

Pengertian Indefinite Article 
      A atau An digunakkan pada ndefinite articles
      Kata sandang ini digunakan pada hal yang tidak spesifik (tidak jelas) atau yang belum diterangkan sebelumnya, meliputi :
-  Person (orang)
- Thing (benda)
- Idea (pemikiran)
      Kata ini hanya digunakan sebelum singular countable noun (kata benda dapat dihitung tuggal atau satu)

Fungsi Dan Contoh Indefinite Article

A dan An
ü  Biasa digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu pertama kali (first reference) pada written text. Untuk tulisan selanjutnya (subsequent reference), dapat digunakan definite article. Namun bila ada modifier diantara article dengan noun, maka pada subsequent reference tetap menggunakan indefinite article.
- A quiet man who wears glasses is often a serious and stiff person. People may change their assumption if they find a quiet man laughing out loud

ü  Indefinite article ini memiliki arti:one (satu, sebuah, suatu) pada things (benda)
- A book, a cat, a problem

ü  Kata ini memiliki arti: each (setiap, masing-masing, per)
- He goes to the swimming pool twice a week

ü  Indefinite article digunakan sebelum kata yang dimulai dengan consonant sound (bunyi konsonan)
- A university (baca: e yunive:rsiti), a hand, a one-eyed man (baca: e wan aid men)

ü  Kata ini digunakan sebelum kata yang dimulai dengan vowel sound (bunyi vokal), dimana terdiri dari a i u e o dengan bunyi vokal s dan f
- An SMP (baca: es em pe), an umbrella, an honor (baca: en aner), an FBI (baca: en ef bi)

PengertianZero Article (Tanpa A, An, The)

     Zero Article berarti tidak ada article ( A, An, The) yang perlu digunakan dalam suatu noun (kata benda).

      Beberapa macam noun yang tidak atau dapat tidak menggunakan article (A, An, The) antara lain adalah meliputi :
- Nama-nama bahasa
- Olahraga
- Academic
- Subject, dll

Fungsi Dan Contoh Zero Article

ü  Tidak ada article yang akan digunakan pada suatu benda
- Can you speak japanese?

ü  Tidak menggunakan article untuk nama olahraga nama academic subject
- The children played football


Determiner adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun(katabenda) untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut. Di traditional grammar, determiner sering disebut limiting ajective, walaupun berbeda maknanya dengan adjective biasa. Jika sama-sama berada di dalam noun phase, limiting adjective akan berada di depan adjective biasa.

Determiner terdiri dari :
·         Article
·         Possesive
·         Dan demonstrative determiner

General dan Specific Determiner
Berada di depan suatu noun, determiner menentukkan apakah noun phrase yang dibentuknya bersifat general atau specific. General noun phrase dapat dibentuk dari general determiner, sedangkan specific noun phrase dari specific determiner

 Fungsi Dan Contoh Determiner

ü  Infinite article (a atau an): membicarakan suatu hal secara umum dimana pendengar/pembaca tidak tau pasti yang mana yang dimaksudkan
- He is looking for a job in Bali

ü  Quentifier (many, few, little, some, any): menyatakan jumlah
-Please give me a little water

ü  Distributive (all, every, both)
-All your books are on the table

ü  Difference word(other, another): membicarakan tambahan orang, benda,
atau hal
- May I have another shoes?

Fungsi Dan Contoh Spesifik determiner 
ü  Definite article (the): membicarakan noun yang diyakini pembaca/pendengar paham yang dimaksudkan
-Did he enjoy the show?

ü  Demostrative adjective (this, that, these, those): menerangkan noun dalam hal jarak dan/atau jumlah
-Those apples are so red

ü  Possesive adjective(my, your, his, her, its, our, dan their): menunjukkan kepemilikan
-Your jacket is in the laundry basket.

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

tugas 2 bahasa inggris

Nama : Tika Nataria
Npm : 1A214771
kELAS : 1EA32

Visiting My Grandparents in Jogjakarta

Hasil gambar untuk borobudur candi

At my school hiliday, my family and I went to visit my grandparents who lived in Jogjakarta. We went from Bekasi on 10th Agustus 2014 by train. Although the journey is a quite far but for me it was an enjoyable trip because this was my first experience to go to my village using by train. On our way to Jogjakarta all I just slept on the train while my brother seemed excited to see the view from the rain. We finally arrived at my grandparent’s house. My grandmother was very happy to know we were coming. They looked so surprised because we did not tell them beforehand.

My grandmother hugged me tightly after that she told us to come in and rest inside their house. My grandmother served and asked us to eat. I ate very heartily as I was very hungry since on the trip. After eating, we had a nice conversation. My father was chatting with my grandfather while, my mother, my brother and I joked with my grandmother.

The next day, my family was invited by our grandparents to come to borobudur temple. borobudur temple is the cultural heritage located in Jogjakarta. I was so happy to be coming there. We were guided by our grandparents to go around borobudur. My grandfather told us about the history of borobudur and its function. Having tired of walking around, we were looking for a place around borobudur to have a lunch that we made at grandma’s house. It was a pleasure at that time to have a launch with my big family in borobudur temple. There we could enjoy our lunch and the scenery all at once. 
After eating, my father invited us to take pictures with the family. I took pictures with my grandparents in front of borobudur temple. It was my fondest memories with both of them. When it was afternoon my father took us to go home. We packed our things in the car and got ready to go home.

I got new friends there. They are Rina and Panji that live near Grandma’s house. We have same age so that we can be a friend easily. They invited me to play in the village such as playing ball in the field near Grandma’s house, bathe in the river and cycling around the village. I really enjoyed the beautiful scenery in this village. The air is still fresh that makes me comfortable to stay longer here. At Grandma’s house, she always serves us with original food of Jogjakarta. At first I felt weird and did not like it because the food here is sweet. My father told me to get accustomed to eating those foods. At last I can eat those foods. My father liked to talk with my grandfather while my mother helped my grandmother taking care of the household. I felt sorry with my younger brother because he did not get friends there. He’s just playing with grandparents at home.

In the evening my grandfather invited my brother and I to go to Malioboro Street. It was very crowded there. There were a lot of sellers and tourists. My brother looked so happy. He asked our grandfather to take him around with a horse who rented there. Then we went around Malioboro Street by horse.  We saw so many shows there such as traditional dance, music performances by local youth and many more. There my grandfather bought us clothes and a handicraft for us. We are very pleased with his present. After 11 pm we went home.

After spending 6 Days in Jogjakarta we should go home. My grandmother looked very sad because we had to go home. My father promised that we will visit them again someday so that she was fine.  We were given so many souvenirs by my grandmother. Actually it was Sad to leave them alone but I promise to come back here someday.